As we begin the 2023-24 school year, we invite you to #BeTheChange!
Sportsmanship is simple, treat others how you would want to be treated. Respect the game and everyone participating including student-athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. Education-based athletics is more than winning, it’s about academic development, equity, and character. Be Responsible, Be Respectful, #BeTheChange!
The CIF has produced a Sportsmanship PSA (both audio and video) for everyone to share with their school communities. If possible, please use this valuable resource before every contest and wherever you might find it useful to spread the word and help #BeTheChange!
Philosophy of the Knight High School Athletic Program
Knight interscholastic athletic competition strives to demonstrate high ethical standards and sportsmanship. Knight believes the highest potential of sports is achieved when participants are committed to pursuing victory with honor according to five core principles: positive, respect, integrity, discipline, and excellence. This Code applies to all student-athletes, coaches, parents, and staff.
All Knight athletic programs must be congruent with Knight High School’s academic goals and objectives established for the intellectual, physical, social, and moral development of our students. Knight teams place academic achievement as the highest priority. We show respect for teammates, opponents, officials, and coaches, as well as the integrity and judgment of game officials. Knight exhibits fair play, sportsmanship, and proper conduct on and off the playing field both by adhering to the established rules and standards of the game to be played, and by refraining from the use of profanity, vulgarity, and other offensive language and gestures. We maintain a high level of safety awareness through respect for and use of all appropriate equipment and use it safely and appropriately. Knight athletes refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco, illegal and non-prescriptive drugs, or any substance to increase physical development or performance.
KHS Athletic Clearance Process
KHS Athlete and Parent Handbook
KHS Athletics Clearance Process
Online Registration Instructions
Go to
Select CA
Select Register if you do not have an account. If you have an account select Login.
To register for the first time, select ‘New Clearance’. Returning student-athletes, select ‘Start Clearance’.
Select the current school year (2022-2023)
Select school: Knight, Pete CIF-SS
Fill in all the information for each of the 5 sections (Student Info, Medical History, Parent/Guardian Info, Signatures, and Donation). Once you reach the confirmation screen, the online clearance process is complete. At this time, you may add any additional sports the student is interested in trying out for. Mark the check box acknowledging parent/guardian electronic signature. We will finalize this acknowledgment with the signature on the physical form.
A confirmation email will be sent stating you have completed the online process, and another will be sent to you once the student is fully cleared. Athletic clearance is pending until physical is verified, academic eligibility is checked, and any transfer documentation is approved by CIF
Instrucciones de registro en línea
Vaya a
Seleccione CA
Seleccione Registrarse si no tiene una cuenta. Si tiene una cuenta, seleccione Iniciar sesión.
Para registrarse por primera vez, seleccione "New Clearance". Estudiantes atletas que regresan, seleccione "Start Clearance".
Seleccione el año escolar actual (2022-23)
Seleccione escuela: Knight, Pete CIF-SS
Complete toda la información para cada una de las 5 secciones (Información del estudiante, Historial médico, Información del padre / tutor, firmas y donación). Una vez que llegue a la pantalla de confirmación, se completa el proceso de autorización en línea. En este momento, puede agregar cualquier deporte adicional que el estudiante esté interesado en probar. Marque la casilla de verificación que reconoce la firma electrónica del padre / tutor. Finalizaremos este reconocimiento con la firma en el formulario físico.
Se le enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación indicando que ha completado el proceso en línea, y se le enviará otro una vez que el estudiante esté completamente autorizado. La autorización atlética está pendiente hasta que se verifique el examen físico, se verifique la elegibilidad académica y cualquier documento de transferencia sea aprobado por CIF.
Student-Athlete Consent Form
Athletics Clearance Process Information
Students must keep at least a 2.0 average on a 4.0 grading scale for the preceding grading period. Each course in which the student is enrolled will be used in the calculations of the grade point average during the period of attendance. All incoming freshmen shall have the first quarter as a probationary period to become eligible or ineligible.
Click here to view eligibility requirements, expectations and consequences of becoming ineligible.